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Smallville 1x06 - Lex asks Clark about the Porsche accident
Smallville 1x04 - Lex makes a deal with Roger Nixon to investigate the Porsche accident
Lex Gives Clark a New Porsche For Saving His Life
Smallville 1x06 - Cassandra sees Lex's future
Smallville 1x06 - Clark, Chloe and Pete
Lex's Gift to Clark - Smallville S01E01 - Pilot
Smallville Season 3 Lex builds his friendship with the Kents
Smallville Lex under compulsion trying to kill clark and kyle
Smallville Season 2 Clark and Lex first argument
Smallville 1x06 - Clark and Lex / Clark and Lana
SMALLVILLE - Lex Hits Clark With His Car
Clark and Lex - You Still Say It The Same Way | Smallville | Bits of Pop Culture